Wednesday 30 November 2011

Beautiful Autumn!

Yes, it's been too long since I updated! Any of you who are on Etsy will know that there have been some major upheavals there over the past few months and I've been scrambling to work around them. And now the Christmas rush has started! I shipped out 12 packages yesterday...

Anyway, the topic of the post is actually nothing to do with jewellery, but beautiful and inspirational colours! I went home to Buckinghamshire a couple of weeks ago and autumn was in full-swing! I often moan about this season since the British summer seems so short and the lenghtening nights can be pretty depressing, but this visit home made me remember what's so gorgeous and magical about it.

First up the view of our back garden; I love the long shadows cast by the sun through the trees. It was very late in the day (well, 4 in the afternoon, but late daylight speaking!) and it was almost dusk but the sun being low in the sky cast these amazing shadows. I also love the sun coming through the blaze of colour in the centre!

Out in the front garden, we have an overgrown holly bush/tree. I was astounded at the riotous red of all those berries! It's easily the most berries I've seen on them before. A lot of firs around the holly were chopped down about a year ago and I have to wonder if the profusion of berries is due to all that extra light. I haven't noticed an abnormally large berry harvest elsewhere!

And a close up of the holly!

On the other side of the drive we have variegated holly which I think looks lovely. We often get neighbours sneakily (or not so sneakily) cutting some to use in their Christmas decorations! We don't mind though--the bush is so overgrown it could use a little vigourous pruning!

And I saw this weird little piece of mutant variegated holly. No chlorophyll at all! No photosynthesis, purely decorative :)

Such a strange change of the seasons. The autumn berries are out at the same time as the late roses. There are still buds! I hope the first frosts won't kill them.

This hydrangea looked amazing as well. In the spring, it was a lovely combination of pale pink and blue, but the fading colours have given it a totally new look!

And finally. the view looking up to the sky from underneath the colourful trees in the first picture :)

Psst--Whilst clearing out my room, I found these two little cuties! I forgot I had these lovely vintage Julips :)

That's all for now. I should have an update on the jewellery side of things soon! (And some sneaky looks at presents I'm making for my family...I'm fairly sure they don't know this site...!)

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